Ben Ford

New and Improved .Me

Update: I did minor edits to this post for clarity. 1/3/2014

I usually hack on this site in my spare time, which I rarely have anymore. Today I admitted to myself that I don’t enjoy working with django. I’d rather spend my spare time experimenting with iOS.

So I took the plunge and am doing what I wanted to do 3 months back.

I’m going to move this site over to squarespace using my domain. (It used to be hosted at

Moving to squarespace presents a few technical challenges. I’ll be closing my account (an awesome host by the way), which will cause me to lose my hosted trac sites and subversion repositories. I’m going to move these things over to github, which has bug tracking, wiki, and other cool features.

I’m a bit unnerved about not having a webhost account, but it helps to know that all decisions are temporary, you simply make them and move on.